Dr. Laprise, Dentist
Your dental health is a reflection of your global health. We take care of your oral health.
Our priority: your comfort
We know that choosing a dentist for your family isn’t an easy choice to make. That’s why we offer a pleasant environment, an extensive range of availability and a dedicated team of professionals who have your dental health at heart.
Making appointments by internet or phone
Complementary therapies
Warm and welcoming team
Years of experience
Trusted customers
Hours of availability
Team members in Mont-Saint-Hilaire
Make an appointment
Tell us your availability, we’ll offer you appointment hours according to your schedule. Please inform us of your availability under.
First visit form
On a first visit, a form informing us of your health has to be completed. To accelerate the service, we invite you to print it out, complete it and bring it on your first visit. Be assured that it will remain confidential.
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